Thuja western due to its unpretentiousness and frost resistance, as well as an evergreen species has become a very popular ornamental plant. Among the many varieties, Degrut Spire occupies a special place. Her crown is the narrowest, which saves space in small areas. This article will familiarize you with the features of this variety of thuja and the different options for using this coniferous plant in the landscape design of the site.
Grade description
Thuja occidentalis Degroot's Spire is a variety of western thuja. It has a narrow columnar crown. This evergreen coniferous tree grows up to 3 meters high, and only 0.7 meters wide. The variety grows fast enough. At 10 years old, the height of the tree is 2 meters. Annual growth is 20–30 cm.
The coniferous cover consists of scales overlapping each other. It is quite thick and has a rich green color, which does not change during the cold season. Shoots twist a little, giving unusual appeal to a tree. It has small brown cones.
The variety is unpretentious to the choice of soil, gas contamination of the cities and perfectly tolerates a haircut. It is quite frost-resistant, and in the middle lane does not need shelter for the winter. Pests in natural conditions are miners, spider mites, thuja and cypress aphids, scale insects.
Landscape design application
This beautiful evergreen tree is perfect for landscape design. It is used to create hedges, as well as in single or group compositions.
Did you know? Essential oil is made from thuja western, saturated with substances that have astringent, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, the ability to stop blood, increase immunity, heal wounds and expand the bronchi. It can be used inside only as prescribed by the doctor in the recommended doses, since it contains the neurotropic poison thujone.
Alleys and hedges
The crown of thuja Degrut Spyre is quite narrow in width and is great for evergreen hedges.. It makes a beautiful solid fence 3 m high with a distance between trees when planting only 0.3 m. In this case there will be no empty spaces and no need for a haircut.
The specimens landed in this order give the impression of a thin green wall. This is a great option for outlining small areas.. Such a green fence can also be organized in park areas or urban environments. Tui Degrut Spire will perfectly decorate the alleys, sidewalks of narrow streets.
Group landings
Thuja western Degrut Spire is suitable for group plantings with different plants.
Important! Coniferous plants do not tolerate the neighborhood of larch, birch, bird cherry. Fruit trees should also be planted away.
Options for use in compositions with other cultures may be as follows:
- A columnar crown will look good with other species of thuja, which has a spherical shape, for example, with Danica variety.
- It can be dropped off in containers and mixed, arranging various compositions. In tanks, this tree is exposed near administrative buildings, restaurants, cafes.
- This variety can be used in the design of alpine slides.
- Near it, you can plant plants, whose root system goes deep into the earth and does not interfere with the development of the surface roots of the thuja. These are purple coneflower, lilac and barberry.
- The juicy greens of thuja will look beautiful in composition with red or white roses, heather.
- The composition of thuja can be successfully combined with other evergreen plant crops - juniper, cypress, pine, fir.
- An interesting solution would be to use this type of thuja as trellis for climbing plants and a variety of vines. It should be noted that they should not be aggressive. It can be curly roses or clematis.
Compositions with this evergreen crop look best on a beautifully trimmed lawn with lush grass. A plain wall or fence can become the background for her. Groups with conifers can be decorated with large stones.
Care Features
Despite the fact that the described variety of thuja is undemanding to soil, it grows better on light, drained nutrient soil, which is sufficiently moistened. The optimum level of soil acidity should be in the range of 4.5–6 pH. For landing, you must definitely choose a well-lit place or partial shade without strong winds.
Important! In the shade, the crown becomes rare and loses its density and decorative appearance.
When landing, observe the following algorithm:
- A hole is dug out depending on the size of the root system of the seedling. Usually its depth is 0.6–0.8 m.
- At the bottom you need to lay a drainage layer (15–20 cm) of gravel, crushed stone or broken brick.
- It is necessary to prepare a nutritious soil mixture of 1 part sand, 1 part peat and 3 parts sod soil. You must also add 100 g nitroammophoski for better growth of thuja.
- When installing a seedling, you need to make sure that its root neck is located at ground level.
Thuja is demanding on moisture. Watering should be carried out about 1 time per week at the rate of 1 bucket (10 l) for 1 instance. In hot weather without precipitation, humidification is carried out more often. The described evergreen responds well to sprinkling in the warm period. This procedure also cleans needles from dust and dirt.
Did you know? Homeopaths call the thuja the "tree of life." Already from the XVI century, its oil began to be mixed into homeopathic remedies for the treatment of respiratory diseases, stopping bleeding and getting rid of parasites.
In the spring, so that the crown is more magnificent and dense, fertilizing should be carried out. For these purposes, they buy ready-made complex mineral fertilizers of the Kemira type in the garden store, which are scattered around the crown at the rate of 50 g per 1 m². From the end of July, top dressing is stopped so that the trees have time to prepare for the cold period.
After moistening, the soil is recommended to be shallow (by 7–9 cm) loosened, since this plant crop does not tolerate soil compaction. For ease of care, the soil around it is recommended to be mulched with compost, humus, peat and sawdust.
Adult specimens of the thuja variety in question tolerate frosts, but they need to be protected from spring sunburn. Therefore, trees, and especially young seedlings, should be covered with burlap or other suitable air-permeable material. In the cold season, the crown is recommended to be pulled to avoid damage under the weight of the snow. In early spring, sanitary pruning should be carried out - remove dry and damaged shoots.
Thuja western Degrut Spire is an unpretentious and interesting variety with a narrow columnar crown, from which you can create hedges that do not take up much space. It is good in different group compositions, but plant compatibility should be considered.