According to data on June 5, 2019, the prices of the most popular varieties of cabbage in Ukraine have significantly decreased, compared with the same date in 2018, Info-Shuvar specialists said in a statement.
Only broccoli did not fall in price, the average price of which remained in the range of 40 UAH / kg (€ 1.31 / kg), which is more than 20% higher than in June last year.
The prices for Beijing cabbage fell the most, which became cheaper by 70% compared to the previous year. Currently, Beijing cabbage in the largest wholesale market of Western Ukraine, ORSP “Shuvar” is sold at a price of 5 UAH / kg (€ 0.16 / kg).
Although the supply of this type of cabbage is getting smaller every day, its low price remains. White cabbage of a new crop fell by 1/3 in a year. She is being sold at the Shuvar ORSP market at prices ranging from 4-5.5 UAH / kg (€ 0.13-0.18 / kg).
Cauliflower has become noticeably cheaper. As of June 5 this year, in the Ukrainian markets, its price ranged from 18-20 UAH / kg (€ 0.59-0.65 / kg), which is more than 20% less than last year.
Recall that due to an increase in the number of offers of cabbage from Ukrainian producers, in May 2019, young cabbage received the status of the cheapest vegetable “borsch set” in Ukraine.