In recent years, Jeremy Abriac, site manager for Champi 31, has seen an increase in demand for French mushrooms. But with the revival of the economy, French mushrooms are selling very well today.
Thus, supply is not enough to meet demand. Compared to demand, French production is not enough. Even if French mushrooms sell on average 30-40% more expensive than foreign ones, the French today demand mushrooms of local origin.
For example, for oyster mushrooms, when French production is in decline and filling the gap from abroad, sales often fall. Some customers prefer to avoid oyster mushrooms, and not buy them if they are not from France.
Many of them are now looking only for products of French origin. And this applies to both supermarkets and markets. Therefore, due to a lack of production, mushroom farms will develop in France.
“We specialize in Paris mushrooms, which make up 70% of our sales. Although we offer original products of Spain, Poland and the Netherlands for sale, we try to sell as many French mushrooms as possible and today we mainly sell our products, namely mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and shitake, ”said Jeremy Abriac.